Conscious Resources

Asking the right questions and giving yourself space to map out your desires as you evolve your consciousness allows you to ease through roadblocks. You can create your relationships and realities in your own way to cultivate connection, peace, and fulfillment. You just need the right support and to give yourself permission!

Learn all of my tips and tricks, below!


Our Need to Know at All Time

Our Need to Know at All Time

Our need to know things is impossible to satisfy. If you are more inspired by logic (like me), then understanding why it’s impossible in theory is crucial. So that’s where I’m going to start. The Law of Impermanence states that everything in existence is transitory....

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“I feel guilty. I should forgive him, but I’m also hurt about what happened.” “I feel shame that I didn’t spend time with him, but I’m overwhelmed when I do.” “I feel fear when I speak up, but I’m angry when I don’t.” We cannot look at one part of what we are feeling...

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Should I Just Give In to What My Child Wants?

Should I Just Give In to What My Child Wants?

If you’ve been reading what I share or talking with me(whether in or out of formal settings), you’re probably attempting to think about your triggers and understand where your child is coming from. You’re trying really hard to remain calm. It’s very difficult to say...

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A Simplified Way to Understand a Trigger

A Simplified Way to Understand a Trigger

Real life, real-time, everyday triggers you might experience might be thoughts like: “He made me so angry.” “She doesn’t listen to me. It’s so frustrating.” “He’s disrespectful.” “She’s ignoring me.” Some days you catch them, become aware of them, and are able to...

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Are We Living a Rat Race or a Life?

Are We Living a Rat Race or a Life?

Without considering our spiritual nature, living in the world of form can feel like an endless, self-defeating, pointless pursuit.  It’s hard to believe this at first. Believe me, I know. I lived in this rat race for most of my life, up until 5 years ago. I did it...

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Jian’s Doing Kumon Again!

Jian’s Doing Kumon Again!

You may remember the story I shared during our Thriving in the Truth: Turning Triggers into Clarity and Growth workshop, about my core belief of “not being smart enough” and how that core belief ultimately had me sabotaging my relationship with Jian.  To recap:...

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Being Fast-Paced, Bold and Intense Is My Nature

Being Fast-Paced, Bold and Intense Is My Nature

Here’s a story… Many of you know that I am an event designer. Last year I was working with a bride whose uncle was quite involved in the design process. He was my main point of contact, so naturally, we spoke often. I recognized very quickly that he was on a conscious...

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You’re Not Who You Think You Are

You’re Not Who You Think You Are

I was thinking about a conversation that I’ve been having with the moms in my FREE Facebook Group about conditioning. It led me to open up a conversation about, and remind myself about the meaning of, the widely used idea or concept of: “Who am I, really?” “Who are...

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What is Your Core Inner Belief?

What is Your Core Inner Belief?

One of the things a lot of us tell ourselves are:  I am not good enough; I’m a failure, a loser. Everyone is better than me. I am bad; I don’t deserve anything. Everything I do is wrong. I am unlovable; I don’t fit in. I’m unattractive. No one likes me. I am...

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Let’s Talk Sibling Rivalry!

Let’s Talk Sibling Rivalry!

Sometimes when you try things from our Thriving in the Truth session, it doesn’t work the way you had pictured.  You understand that not only are your reactions unrelated to the cause of the conflict, but also that the blame and shame towards your older child is...

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What is the Purpose of Language?

What is the Purpose of Language?

In learning to understand the law of cause and effect, we’re learning that language is subjective to each individual. If that’s true for you, then we know that we can’t just rely on language to connect and communicate with others, can we? In fact, how can we even...

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What is the Purpose of Coaching?

What is the Purpose of Coaching?

A client of mine thanked me after our coaching session the other day. She said: “When it comes to investing in ourselves, we often struggle with how we can set money aside for it; but each time I have done that, I’ve recovered the fees many times over, and also moved...

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How to Get Into a Conversation with Your Child

How to Get Into a Conversation with Your Child

We’ve been talking about how every situation, person, thing, and identity in the world of form is an illusion. How that identity or specific situation that we’ve labeled or judged only makes sense in reality if we can define all the causes and effects that led to it....

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How to Stay Present with People Who Suffer

How to Stay Present with People Who Suffer

I'm so happy to witness the love you have for yourself in being able to engage in these conversations with me! It truly warms by heart. This post is for you: ...if you know you’re a highly sensitive mom and want to understand why you attract people who suffer ...if...

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Do you consider your child bossy

Do you consider your child bossy

Last time, we talked about the conscious and subconscious mind, and the ways that the ego mind can make us react to our children. They’re important distinctions, because when we can decipher between which part of our mind we’re operating from, we can make choices that...

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My Rock Bottom

My Rock Bottom

When I hit my rock bottom I felt it.  I knew it.  Today I'm sharing a part of that story.  But, before I do, I want to remind you that healing is a journey. The last time we met, we talked about the truth behind our triggers. A lot of things may come up as you explore...

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How to Understand Your Child’s Experience

How to Understand Your Child’s Experience

You may have heard me say that in order to understand your child’s experience, you must understand what is defining their experience.   To help make sense of this, ask yourself: do you and your spouse express sadness in the same way?  Does everything that makes you...

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3 Steps to Setting Healthy Boundaries

3 Steps to Setting Healthy Boundaries

A lot of us have fears around setting and holding boundaries, and it leads to questions like: ‘What thoughts lie underneath our fear to create a boundary?’ and ‘What does a boundary even mean?’ It makes things hard, because boundaries are so important! We are...

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Open chat
Hi there!

Unless I’m in a session or spending time with my family, I’m around. You can expect to hear back from me within 30 minutes - 3 hours.