What is the Purpose of Coaching?

What is the Purpose of Coaching?

What is the Purpose of Coaching? A client of mine thanked me after our coaching session the other day. She said: “When it comes to investing in ourselves, we often struggle with how we can set money aside for it; but each time I have done that, I’ve recovered the fees...
How to Get Into a Conversation with Your Child

How to Get Into a Conversation with Your Child

How to Get Into a Conversation with Your Child We’ve been talking about how every situation, person, thing, and identity in the world of form is an illusion. How that identity or specific situation that we’ve labeled or judged only makes sense in reality if we can...
How to Understand Your Child’s Experience

How to Understand Your Child’s Experience

How to Understand Your Child’s Experience You may have heard me say that in order to understand your child’s experience, you must understand what is defining their experience.   To help make sense of this, ask yourself: do you and your spouse express sadness in...
Growth Takes Time

Growth Takes Time

Growth Takes Time When I began to study Conscious Parenting, I didn’t have an intention of becoming a coach.  I only set out to seek answers to my own emotions and pain. Five years later, I became a Certified Coach from Dr. Shefali’s Coaching Institute. The impact...
Understanding Love and Fear

Understanding Love and Fear

Understanding Love and Fear If your kind of content is short, sweet, and designed to inform without drowning you in information, the video I shared this week on Instagram will be perfect for you! In this video, you’ll hear me talk about these points: We know that we...
The Words You Use Matter

The Words You Use Matter

The Words You Use Matter One of the most important distinctions we can make in conscious parenting is the difference between certain words. As ‘out there’ as it sounds, the truth is that every word carries an energy that can be sensed, regardless of...
How Trauma is Transferred

How Trauma is Transferred

How Trauma is Transferred Trauma travels in all directions, and those who are most susceptible or vulnerable to it get affected the most. It is the patterns of our traumatized state of mind that continue to show up in our present interactions with our children (and...
Self-Expression and Freedom

Self-Expression and Freedom

Self-Expression and Freedom In order to better understand our children’s perceptions, it helps to understand our own, by understanding our minds. All human beings have a subconscious mind and an ego mind. Our subconscious mind is our natural mind, the mind we are born...
The Truth Liberates Us

The Truth Liberates Us

The Truth Liberates Us I’ll share a personal story of how my own ego mind formed, when I wasn’t validated or connected to my parents. I grew up in an environment where my parents unintentionally were only aware of the one-size-fits-all traditional education model of...
Curiosity of the Ego or “I”

Curiosity of the Ego or “I”

Curiosity of the Ego or “I” The pain we feel with our children is often the ultimate level of pain. It’s nature’s way of asking us to wake up, so that our children don’t nurture our worst habits. Nature knows a child’s well-being is at stake. That’s why...
Fight, Flight, or Freeze

Fight, Flight, or Freeze

Fight, Flight, or Freeze From the point of view of our true self, we don’t need to get love, because we are Love. we don’t need to seek truth, because we are Truth. we don’t need to be free, because we are Free. we don’t need to be curious, because we are Curious. we...
Pain is the Portal

Pain is the Portal

Pain is the Portal A lot of emotions may come up as you explore all the areas in which you feel traumatized: your feelings, thought patterns, and bodily sensations. It’s okay to feel these emotions. Be gentle with yourself. This is new information, and anything new is...
Connect to Your Body

Connect to Your Body

Connect to Your Body Young children absorb the trauma of their mothers. They are aware of their own bodies and can feel our tension, rigidity, and pain. If we suffer, they internalize and inherit the suffering. It’s why oftentimes we can see our children mirroring our...
I Am Not a Guru

I Am Not a Guru

I Am Not a Guru Welcome.  My name is Jilna.  I’m so excited and to be honest, nervous about this venture.   I am a Certified Conscious Parenting Coach and a parent, just like you. I’ve done an immense amount of self-study to understand who I am.  I’ve developed a...
Finding Your Truth

Finding Your Truth

Finding Your Truth We will be covering the 3 fundamental concepts of this Program:  The Foundations of Conscious Parenting:  An Opening into Clear Communication. Authentic vs. Attached ways of being:  Every moment is an opportunity to create your intention and the way...
Finding a New Awareness Through Curiosity

Finding a New Awareness Through Curiosity

Finding a New Awareness Through Curiosity It’s the only way to find solutions to our problems It takes learning about awareness on an intellectual level, first. But the real shift happens when we consciously make the choice each time to move our awareness inward (into...
What is Awareness?

What is Awareness?

What is Awareness? And why does understanding it matter, in getting our children to ‘listen’? When our 4 year old pushes our 11 month old… When our 7 year old forgets something for the 10th time…. When our 5 year old lies about how much screen time...
Are our WORRIES the TRUTH?

Are our WORRIES the TRUTH?

Are our WORRIES the TRUTH? Giving our children choices understandably comes with many fears.   We worry that: …if we give our child a choice on what to eat for breakfast, they will eat the same thing every day.  …if we hold space for their anger or...
What Does Choice Mean to Me?

What Does Choice Mean to Me?

What Does Choice Mean to Me? …and why is choice necessary to build your courage and confidence? Every time I form a concrete belief in my mind, I look to see how nature does it. Because aren’t we from nature, after all? Nature doesn’t choose who gets sunshine or...
Open chat
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Unless I’m in a session or spending time with my family, I’m around. You can expect to hear back from me within 30 minutes - 3 hours.