
“I feel guilty. I should forgive him, but I’m also hurt about what happened.”

“I feel shame that I didn’t spend time with him, but I’m overwhelmed when I do.”

“I feel fear when I speak up, but I’m angry when I don’t.”

We cannot look at one part of what we are feeling without looking at the other part. If we do, we only see part of the picture; we’re approaching our evolution from one side, and therefore will still feel controlled by our life situation.

It’ll appear as if life is against us, and the moment we enter that perception, we will believe we are controlled. That life controls us.

But that feeling of being controlled is really fear in disguise. The way we perceive life will be the way we experience life.

If you perceive that you should forgive him based on what you believe life is about (forgiveness) then you will forgive him and continue to feel hurt. But if you experience the guilt and hurt and the sensations they bring up in you by acknowledging them, creating space for them, and holding them, then you will realise the guilt and hurt for what they are (feelings), and find a way to release them.

Your perception will take care of everything. It will either control your experience or take you closer to your experience, but either way, your perception will match your experience.

So the next time you want to find control, drop down into your body and really experience what you are feeling at that moment.

It’s not there to control you. It’s there to help you evolve. To learn a lesson.

The pain is not a mistake or an error. It is perfectly designed for your evolution.  

So enter your moment with curiosity.

And let me know how it goes!

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