$749 Per month over three months or $2,097 one-time payment

Feeling the strain under a traditional parenting
model you feel is failing your children, your intimate relationships and you?
If you’re tired of disconnection, mis-communication, over-scheduled days,
and regular meltdowns, you can find the truth within you and grow!
You can cultivate the curiosity that provides clarity, guidance, and growth in the direction of deeper connections and clear communications with your children.
Within a curated and intimate sisterhood of six parents of children from three
to ten years old, you’ll find space and safety to engage in this sacred transformation, even when it may feel overwhelming and scary at times.
Together, we will make sense of your doubts—your what ifs, buts, and whys—in the form of questions and discussions, allowing your natural curiosity to emerge and starting you thinking about how to create solutions to your pain.

It’s possible to develop clarity and create the reality
and relationships you strive for.
You will create new ways to communicate and connect with your children by:
Asking questions that they understand how to respond to.
Listening to them without being judgmental or presumptuous.
Honoring your own choices so that you can honor theirs, while owning and teaching responsibility and accountability.
And co-creating an environment that helps each of you individually meet your needs while maintaining responsible habits.
Conscious Parenting and Living is a natural approach, like most other teachings that originate from the heart. Its teachings must be felt in order to explore further.
The amazing side effect of this journey is an improved fulfillment in other areas of your life—intimate relationships, career, energy, and time.

This three-month Group Coaching Intensive is built on my interpretation of the three foundational concepts that I believe must be explored in order to thrive from a Conscious Parenting and Living approach.
Natural vs. Nurtured ways of thinking: Your thoughts shape the way
the world occurs for you.
Authentic vs. Attached ways of being: Every moment is an
opportunity to create your intention and the way you choose to
Calm vs. Conflicted ways of feeling: An opening to better
understand and be understood in your current relationships and the new relationships you form.

If this resonates with you, come join us!
When working on the relationships between a parent and their child, this personal coaching journey
offers a special emphasis for moms who feel guilt and shame around not knowing how to balance
their less sensitive nature with their highly sensitive children.
Sensitivity is not an illness. It is our nature. We all fall somewhere on the spectrum of high to low sensitivity.
In this journey, we will learn how to connect with each other while honoring each other’s nature.

You’ll get:
A 60 minute personal welcome call to begin your journey and establish
your intentions for our time together.
A 60-90 minute weekly Live Group Workshop and Q&A, where you will join
a discussion about the three foundational concepts.
A Facebook group, where you will receive guidance that will help you apply these concepts into your relationships with your children and into your daily life. You’ll receive responses and support from me for your posts within 24-48 hours.
One 90 minute one-on-one coaching session and recap of our session per month, for each of the three months we are together.
An opportunity to book additional one-on-one coaching sessions at a
discounted rate of $97/session within the three months we are together, where we will take a deep dive into
exploring how to practice and integrate the principles as well as the
practical aspects, so that it becomes your new way of connecting
and communicating with your children and intimate relationships.
It’s about maximum impact through a gentle process
based on your experiences and desires. No busywork or inundations of information required!

What are the deadlines I need to be aware of?
All applications for the Foundations of Conscious Parenting and Living Group Coaching Intensive should be submitted by TBD.
Selected applicants will be notified via email by TBD.
Group Coaching Intensive starts on TBD, and concludes on TBD.
What is the Group Coaching Intensive?
This three-month intensive is built on my interpretation of the three foundational concepts that I believe must be explored in order to thrive from a Conscious Parenting and Living approach.
Natural vs. Nurtured ways of thinking: Your thoughts shape the way the world occurs for you.
Authentic vs. Attached ways of being: Every moment is an opportunity to create your intention and the way you choose to communicate.
Calm vs. Conflicted ways of feeling: An opening to better understand and be understood in your current relationships and the new relationships you form.
What is the purpose of the Group Coaching Intensive?
The Group Coaching Intensive is a platform where I present live Facebook Group trainings about conscious living and its principles, in an order that allows the principles to build on top of each other without a formal course outline. Each week we discuss the material and the questions that arise from the concepts addressed that week in a group setting. This approach helps solidify your understanding of Conscious Parenting and Living.
We engage each other with real-life, real-time challenges that show up throughout the week in our Facebook Group.
We also combine individual work with group work, which is powerful because it has higher energy than solely individual work. In a group, we will feel like a family unit, except it will have a conscious intention. With my compassionate guidance, the group will pull people together.
Together, we will make sense of your doubts—your what-ifs, buts, and whys—in the form of questions and discussions, allowing your natural curiosity to emerge and starting you thinking about how to create solutions that serve you.
Who is the Group Coaching Intensive for?
This intensive is for parents of children from three to ten years old seeking to understand themselves, in order to better understand and be understood by their children and within their intimate relationships.
I work with parents of children 3 years and older because my journey towards healthy parenting began when my son Jian was 3. My real life embodiment and intellectual knowledge of healthy parenting began within that period, so I share only what I know.
What is Jilna's role in the Group Coaching Intensive?
My role is to:
- play the role of a guide, co-creator and/or co-educator
- help you deepen your understanding of the Conscious Parenting and Living teachings using my interpretations of them
- serve as your equal partner, helping you achieve connection and effective communication with your children and intimate relationships
- share my own transformation with you to help you apply the concepts in your own life
- help you process and make sense of your life situations
- commit to your growth at the same level as I am committed to mine
- model Conscious Parenting and Living by remaining vulnerable and transparent
My role is not to:
- offer advice or lead you in a specific direction
- diagnose you or your child
- offer treatment
What does the Group Coaching Intensive not include?
It does not include:
- busy work or an inundation of information.
- a set of beliefs which I am passing onto you.
What are the typical outcomes of participating in the Intensive?
Each one of us gets something different; this is an organic, natural process. Growth happens when the time is right. We are on our own timeline.
The energy of the process will naturally unfold as long as you engage your curiosity with intention. The effect of what you walk away within engaging your curiosity in these concepts will determine the quality of the next phase of your relationship with your children and your life.
One of the amazing byproducts of this journey is an improved fulfillment in other areas of your life—intimate relationships, career, increased energy, and time.
What is the welcome call about?
The purpose of the 60 minute welcome call is for us to get to know each other better. I want to ensure there is an aligned fit between me, you and the Intensive. I want to ensure you understand what your time and energy investment will get you, before you dive in.
Are there any payment plans available?
There are two payment options:
- Payment in full at the time of submission to the program.
- Three monthly payments.
What if I am dissatisfied?
The Foundations of Conscious Parenting and Living Group Coaching Intensive comes with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you have participated, shown up to the weekly Live Group Workshop and Q&A, and engaged in our Facebook Group to the end of the first month of the Intensive and honestly feel you didn’t get any value from the experience, please write to me and I will issue you a full refund.
To be eligible for a refund, you must submit your request by 12pm Eastern US Time on Monday July 4th, 2022.
The reason this Intensive is only enrolling six moms is because I believe intimacy creates safety. And when we feel safe, we easily process our emotions and express ourselves. What we are embarking on is sacred, and may feel overwhelming and scary at times. I also want to serve you to my highest potential, and I feel this size of a group aligns with what I am currently able to offer. Therefore, since space is limited, please enroll in this Group Coaching Intensive only if you feel it aligns with what you’re seeking at this time in your life.
Once registered, no refunds will be offered until the refund deadline. No exceptions.
It’s time to finally stop the struggle.
Express your thoughts and emotions without fearing guilt or shame, so that you can
communicate your intention in a way that makes your children feel safe and comfortable.
Tap into your curiosity and your freedom of choice, so that you can create
conditions in your environment that empower a love for self-care; which includes
thriving physically, emotionally, socially, and academically.